Moldova's Thriving Tech Sector

Moldova's information technology industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years, quickly becoming one of the country's most dynamic economic sectors.

IT in Moldova. The fastest growing industry

Moldova's IT industry has grown rapidly in recent years, with the share of IT in the country's GDP more than tripling since 2016. Thanks to the joint efforts of MITP and the Moldovan government, boosting the tech sector has become a top priority, recognizing its potential to drive economic growth, exports, innovation, and high-paying jobs.
Moldovan IT sector growth
The IT sector's revenue has increased dramatically since the establishment of the Moldova Innovation Technology Park in 2018. A graph showing the growth in total revenue over time could highlight this exponential growth.
in GDP
in GDP
in GDP

MITP in Numbers

  • 1 690+
    resident companies
  • 665+ mln EUR
    turnover for 2023
  • 230+
    companies with foreign capital
  • 21 000+
    employees in resident companies
  • 39
    countries of origin of investors
  • 89%
    of the services are exported
Top investments in 2023
are from...
Great Britain
MITP's Unique Advantages
Unveiling Europe's First e-Park: Benefits for IT Enterprises & Professionals

  • 7% Single Tax
    MITP introduces a singular 7% sales tax, efficiently encapsulating the entire tax obligation for companies and their teams, including all employee-related taxes.

  • State Guarantees
    The state pledges not keep valid the 7% taxation framework, ensuring stability at least until December 31, 2025, with ongoing negotiations for prolongation.

  • Operate from Anywhere
    MITP promotes digital adaptability, allowing businesses to function anywhere within Moldova—and even beyond. There's no obligation to maintain a physical footprint in the IT Park, while remote work is perfectly legal.

  • Flexible IT Visa Scheme
    Global IT experts can effortlessly attain a 2- to 4-year work residency in Moldova. Both offer renewal options, further simplifying the process.

7% Single Tax

Experience fiscal efficiency like never before.
Discover MITP's 7%* single tax framework: a streamlined approach that consolidates multiple taxes optimizes compliance, and extends clear benefits to businesses and their employees.
* The 7% single tax is paid based on sales revenue, but not less than 190 USD / 170 EUR monthly per employee as of 2023.

Replaces 7 taxes:
  • Corporate income tax (12%)
  • Personal income tax (12%)
  • Social security contributions due by employer (24%)
  • Health insurance contributions due by employee (9%)
  • Local taxes (depending on region)
  • Road taxes (depending on vehicle)
  • Real estate taxes (0.3%)
Does not include:
  • VAT (0% on exports)
  • Withholding taxes (6% on dividends and 12% on other payments made to non-residents – under local legislation, more favourable WHT rates might be available under 50 DTTs)
Simplified tax compliance
  • Unique tax payment
  • Simplified tax reporting
  • Reduced tax compliance costs and interaction with state authorities
Benefits for the employees
  • Competitive salary  (gross = net)
  • No additional taxes on employment income obtained within the IT Park
  • Full state health insurance and limited* state social security benefits
*425 USD / 390 EUR monthly insured income, irrespective of the actual salary received as of 2023.
Eligible activities
The eligible activities must account for at least 70% of the company revenue
Software and Games Development
IT consulting and other Services
Manufacturing of Microprocessors and Integrated Circuits
Hardware Management
Data Processing and Web Management
R&D (Based on High Technologies)
Animation and Special Effects
Digital Design
Moldova's IT Advantages
  • Fiscal and immigration incentives
  • Good technical education
  • Excellent foreign language skills
  • E-Government excellence
  • Low operational costs
  • Proximity in culture and distance from the EU
  • An advanced and reliable ICT infrastructure
Moldovan ICT
  • 98% fiber coverage
  • 98% 4G coverage
  • One of the highest Internet average speed – 43,52 Mbps/2017
  • 76% Internet penetration (for Digital literacy and access to networks)
  • 5th place in the world for broadband affordability
Moldovan IT Talent
  • 2,000
    graduates yearly with graduate and undergraduate degrees in IT, Engineering and Mathematics
  • 3,500
    students enrolled in IT programs, and ca. 5,000 in engineering programs
  • 6%
    of the total number of graduates have been studying Computer Science
  • $ 2,170
    average monthly salary in the Moldovan IT industry

Discover MITP residents

The Real Innovation
Here's how the game changing public policies Boosting IT sector development came to life
2006 tax incentives

Replicating a good practice at a regional level.

Moldova introduced in 2006 a set of tax incentives for IT companies, based on the Romanian model.
2018 MITP Formation
MITP creation
MITP was created by Government Decision on 1 January 2018, the day when Europe's First e-Park was born. Its creation was officially requested by 15 private companies.
2019 International Recognition
Becoming a best practice at a global level
In 2019, MITP was recognized by the ITU as one of the best global practices in promotion and development of the IT ecosystem.
How it Works
Register the company
It's really simple, and it takes less than 72 hours:
- Set up a company (see details below)
- Open a bank account (here's a list of banks)
- Get your electronic signature
That's it
Apply for residence
Fill out this form and email it to us: No business plans needed. No fees to be paid.
Sign the contract
Within 7 days, you'll receive the official confirmation letter, and we'll be able to sign the contract with you.
Start working
That was it! Now you're off to a good start in a new country. Start making great products, building great teams, and making great fortunes.
Get in Touch
Want to learn more about how MITP can help accelerate tech businesses? Reach out and let's connect.
Send us an email your questions about investing in IT at and one of our representatives will get back to you shortly.
Set up a quick phone call with our team to discuss how MITP can help take your business to the next level. We're happy to answer any questions.
Tell us more about your investment plans using our contact form, and we'll follow up with you to discuss MITP membership and benefits.