MITP Press Kit

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About MITP

We strive to lead Moldova to become a top regional destination for high-value-added tech
products and services.

MITP is committed to driving growth in the Moldovan tech industry by outlining the
industry’s strategic vision, boosting digital innovation in all sectors, and empowering
cooperation between all key tech ecosystem players.

Moldova Innovation Technology Park stands as the central pillar of the IT sector in the Republic of Moldova, designed to drive growth, innovation, and competitiveness within the tech ecosystem. Established to bolster Moldova’s digital transformation, MITP offers both local and international IT companies a stimulating business environment, access to an inventive talent pool, tax incentives, and a platform to collaborate, innovate, and expand. By fostering partnerships and nurturing talent, MITP plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of tech in the region.

Our values

We believe in the transformative power of technology and knowledge. At the Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP), our pursuit of progress is relentless, reflecting our core values that shape our community and our work. Among our top priorities is fostering an environment where being tech-savvy is just the beginning; it’s where influential ideas meet analytical rigor to create righteous and impactful technological solutions.

We are committed to maintaining a positive atmosphere that nurtures growth and innovation. Transparency in our operations and communications builds trust with our stakeholders, and being down-to-earth allows us to stay connected with the real-world challenges and needs of our residents and partners. Our business-oriented approach ensures that we remain focused on creating tangible value, while our dedication to being informative empowers our community with the knowledge to succeed in a rapidly evolving global tech landscape.

Europe’s First e-Park

“Europe’s First e-Park” is not just a title; it’s a testament to MITP’s pioneering spirit. As the first IT park in Europe to champion a digital-only presence, MITP redefines innovation, eliminating the need for a physical footprint and enabling companies to thrive in the digital realm. This innovation extends beyond our operational model; it’s embedded in our mission to be a highly effective platform that fuels the growth of companies leading the charge in technological revolution. MITP is an innovation hub where digital presence meets developmental prowess, setting a new standard for the IT parks of the future.

All about MITP
Below, you can find several descriptions of Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP)
MITP: Moldova’s Pioneering e-Park Accelerating Tech Innovation and Regional Competitiveness

Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP) — Europe’s First e-Park — is Moldova’s premier initiative to assemble an extensive network of tech businesses and professionals. Since its inception by the Moldovan Government in early 2018, MITP has been at the forefront of the nation’s drive to cultivate a robust tech ecosystem and elevate its competitive edge on the regional stage.

Embracing a pioneering fiscal approach with its acclaimed 7% single tax platform, MITP is dedicated to nurturing growth and simplifying the entrepreneurial journey. This commitment is further exemplified by the facilitation of the IT Visa Program, streamlining of immigration processes, and provision of a virtual operational presence.

Internationally recognized for its innovative spirit, MITP received accolades from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2019, endorsing the Park as a global model for IT ecosystem enhancement.

Now, MITP is home to a vibrant community of over 1,550 companies, including a significant number with foreign investment from 39 countries, and a talented workforce exceeding 19,400 in the IT, R&D, and creative sectors. Our vision propels us to be the regional beacon for high-value-added tech products and services, with a mission that commits us to fostering investments and empowering the digital transformation of Moldova’s economy.

With a foundation built on technological savviness and a spirit of collaboration, MITP continues to pave the way for pioneering innovations, strategic partnerships, and a future where technology transcends borders, benefiting all stakeholders in the global tech landscape.

MITP: The Digital Nexus for Global IT Innovation and Investment in Moldova

As the cornerstone of Moldova’s technological advancement, the Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP) — Europe’s First e-Park — stands as a beacon for the IT sector, offering premier services and incentives unparalleled in the region. Distinguished by its virtual infrastructure and multistakeholder governance, MITP is a testament to innovation and forward-thinking leadership.

With a mission deeply rooted in action and impact, MITP endeavors to be the driving force in attracting investments. By advocating for adaptable government policies, fostering a culture of ICT innovation, and championing the digital transformation of the economy, MITP aims to unlock the full potential of a robust IT sector.

MITP serves as a hub for collaboration, providing a comprehensive organizational platform equipped with cutting-edge tools and progressive methodologies. This strategic facilitation accelerates the economic metamorphosis, refines corporate innovation, and propels the IT industry’s expansion. By nurturing partnerships and fostering job creation, MITP is committed to drawing both local and international investments, cementing its role as a catalyst for economic and technological prosperity in Moldova.

MITP’s Strategic Tax Incentives and Global Integration

Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP) — Europe’s First e-Park — catalyzes the tech sector’s growth by introducing an advantageous fiscal policy, including a groundbreaking single tax of 7% on sales revenue. This strategic move significantly alleviates the tax burden, streamlines the immigration process for international talent, minimizes bureaucratic hurdles, and promotes a modern virtual presence.

Since its establishment in 2018, MITP has been a cornerstone government initiative, invigorating the Moldovan IT industry’s regional and international standing. As the sole IT park in the nation, MITP’s residents enjoy comprehensive benefits legislated for IT parks. A decade-long commitment has culminated in a thriving community of more than 1,550 entities, encompassing 220+ companies with foreign capital from 39 countries and fostering over 19,400 jobs. This vibrant ecosystem not only generates substantial employment but also boasts an impressive annual turnover exceeding 5.4 billion MDL.

MITP’s strategic efforts have established Moldova as a competitive force in the IT domain, offering a fertile ground for innovation, investment, and long-term economic prosperity.

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Logo with Tagline
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Visual Guidelines
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Moldovan IT sector growth
The IT sector's revenue has increased dramatically since the establishment of the Moldova Innovation Technology Park in 2018. A graph showing the growth of share in GDP over time could highlight this exponential growth.
1.5% in GDP
3.1% in GDP
5.3% in GDP
MITP in Numbers
resident companies
0+ mln EUR
turnover for 2024
companies with foreign capital
employees in resident companies
countries of origin of investors
of the services are exported
Moldovan IT Talent
graduates yearly with graduate and undergraduate degrees in IT, Engineering and Mathematics
students enrolled in IT programs, and ca. 5,000 in engineering programs
of the total number of graduates have been studying Computer Science
of Moldovan employees are working in the ICT sector, the second highest percentage in any country in emerging Europe, after Estonia
The Real Innovation
Here's how the game changing public policies Boosting IT sector development came to life
Tax incentives
Moldova introduced in 2006 a set of tax incentives for IT companies, based on the Romanian model.
MITP Formation
MITP was created by Government Decision on 1 January 2018, the day when Europe's First e-Park was born. Its creation was officially requested by 15 private companies.
International Recognition
In 2019, MITP was recognized by the ITU as one of the best global practices in promotion and development of the IT ecosystem.
Moldova's IT Advantages
  • Fiscal and immigration incentives
  • Good technical education
  • Excellent foreign language skills
  • E-Government excellence
  • Low operational costs
  • Proximity in culture and distance from the EU
  • An advanced and reliable ICT infrastructure
Moldovan ICT Sector
  • 98% fiber coverage
  • 98% 4G coverage
  • One of the highest Internet average speed – 43,52 Mbps/2017
  • 76% Internet penetration (for Digital literacy and access to networks)
  • 5th place in the world for broadband affordability
MITP's Unique Advantages
Unveiling Europe's First e-Park: Benefits for IT Enterprises & Professionals
7% Single Tax
MITP introduces a singular 7% sales tax, efficiently encapsulating the entire tax obligation for companies and their teams, including all employee-related taxes.
State Guarantees
The state pledges not keep valid the 7% taxation framework, ensuring stability until December 31, 2035.
Operate from Anywhere
MITP promotes digital adaptability, allowing businesses to function anywhere within Moldova—and even beyond. There's no obligation to maintain a physical footprint in the IT Park, while remote work is perfectly legal.
Flexible IT Visa Scheme
Global IT experts can effortlessly attain a 2- to 4-year work residency in Moldova. Both offer renewal options, further simplifying the process.
7% Single Tax
Experience fiscal efficiency like never before. Discover MITP's 7%* single tax framework: a streamlined approach that consolidates multiple taxes optimizes compliance, and extends clear benefits to businesses and their employees. * The 7% single tax is paid based on sales revenue, but not less than 190 USD / 170 EUR monthly per employee as of 2023.
Replaces 7 taxes
  • Corporate income tax (12%)
  • Personal income tax (12%)
  • Social security contributions due by employer (24%)
  • Health insurance contributions due by employee (9%)
  • Local taxes (depending on region)
  • Road taxes (depending on vehicle)
  • Real estate taxes (0.3%)
Does not include
  • VAT (0% on exports)
  • Withholding taxes (6% on dividends and 12% on other payments made to non-residents – under local legislation, more favourable WHT rates might be available under 50 DTTs)
Simplified tax compliance
  • Unique tax payment
  • Simplified tax reporting
  • Reduced tax compliance costs and interaction with state authorities
Benefits for the employees
  • Competitive salary  (gross = net)
  • No additional taxes on employment income obtained within the IT Park
  • Full state health insurance and limited* state social security benefits
*425 USD / 390 EUR monthly insured income, irrespective of the actual salary received as of 2023.
Forbes Romania
O nouă eră pentru industria IT din Republica Moldova
Cu o dinamică accelerată a digitalizării, Republica Moldova devine un centru emergent al industriei IT. Un eveniment care a marcat recent această evoluție este Moldova Innovation Awards (MIA), organizat în premieră de Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP).
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Forbes Ukraine
Ukrainian IT is looking for opportunities. Moldova is a promising innovation hub in Eastern Europe
IT is Moldovaʼs fastest-growing and developing industry, and MITP plays a very important role. A residence in MITP is a reliable, safe, and profitable opportunity to expand business presence, open an additional office, or relocate fully or partially.
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MITP: Emergența discretă a unui nou hub tehnologic în Europa de Est
În ultimii ani, Moldova și-a consolidat rapid statutul ca destinație emergentă pentru inovație în IT, atrăgând atenția companiilor și antreprenorilor la nivel global.
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Ziarul Financiar
Piaţa românească de IT este tot mai competitivă. Ce pot face companiile locale pentru a supravieţui şi cum pot profita de experienţa Moldovei?
Încă de la înfiinţarea sa, MITP a făcut paşi importanţi în vederea promovării unui mediu favorabil pentru creşterea şi dezvoltarea afacerilor tehnologice.
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G4 Media
Ce oportunități oferă Republica Moldova companiilor IT și cum pot beneficia antreprenorii români de aceste condiții
Confruntată cu provocări similare, Republica Moldova a ales să facă pași decisivi în câteva reforme cruciale, care au ajutat comunitatea tehnologică a țării și economia în ansamblu.
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Start Up Cafe
Industria IT din România este în creștere, dar companiile locale se luptă cu costurile de personal și cu taxele. Ce posibilități oferă Moldova pentru startup-urile românești
Industria IT este unul din driverii importanți ai economiei române, dar concurența se dă nu doar între afacerile din domeniu, ci și între state - în lupta pentru atragerea acestor companii, țările vin cu inovații fiscale și juridice tot mai interesante pentru businessurile tech.
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Revista Biz
Cum se dezvoltă industria IT din Moldova
La Chișinău a avut loc Moldova Innovation Awards, o dovadă vie a puterii transformatoare a inovației, un testimoniu al încrederii profesioniștilor și investitorilor în potențialul industriei tech din Moldova.
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Moldova cleans up its act to attract foreign businesses
The Eastern European country of Moldova is continuing efforts to attract overseas firms, as it tries to move past political uncertainty. "I went with a backpack, and set up a business," says Dutch entrepreneur Luc Vocks, recalling how he moved to Moldova in 2007.
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Reasons to be Cheerful
The Small Country Where Women in Tech Are Flourishing
A gender-balanced tech industry is fast becoming the norm in Moldova, as the movement is changing the mindsets and decisions not only of women like Ceri, but of companies and schools, too. In a small country where word spreads quickly, it seems everyone has gotten the memo: Women are welcome in tech, as Marina Bzovii observes.
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